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Les articles de la rubrique "Venezuela report"
This is the first time I have ever felt the cold in Guiana. At an altitude of 2,800 metres the first rays of the sun just barely warm our layers of winter clothing. Mount Roraima allows us to contemplate its kingdom for a few moments, the Guiana Highlands of Venezuela....
Monday9 April2012
By Pierre-Olivier Jay / Remerciements à Laurence Jay & Elio Sanoja

Cayenne fishmarket. Snapper: 6 euros 50. “Are you the one who caught it, or did you buy it?" The seller hesitates before answering: "I bought it. From Cogumer.” Cogumer and Abchée are the two companies with which the Venezuelan fishermen have contracts. They buy their snappers for between 2.80 and 3 dollars for...
Monday9 April2012
By C. Aubinais et Mathilde Bachelet

Hugo El loco Wikileaks reveals the astounding and unexpected information that liberal democracies do not like Hugo Chávez! Alvaro Uribe, the former Colombian President, compared him to Hitler, whilst Jean-David Lévitte, a diplomatic adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy, said the Venezuelan president was "mad". The expert was right. You have to be completely...
Monday9 April2012
By Denis Lamaison