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Les articles de la rubrique "Fauna"
Imagine for a moment what the Amazonian forest would look like if the tapir was completely eradicated. How would this immense tropical rainforest evolve were this peaceful herbivore - and one the public often knows little about - no longer to exist there? Even though you do not often come across...
Sunday29 January2012
By M.Gosset, C Richard-Hansen, B.deThoisy, S. Barrioz, J.F. Szpiegel

The mist is beginning to disperse, allowing a few patches of blue sky to peep through. It is the beginning of a fine morning on Montagne Trésor, a few peaks along from Montagne de Kaw in the French Guianese mountain chain of the same name. Gradually the concert of birdsong...
Sunday29 January2012
By Vincent Pelletier, bagueur-collaborateur du CRBPO/Muséum national d’histoire naturelle de Paris, co-responsable de la station STOC-Trésor, vice-président du GEPOG ; Christian Roudgé, chargé de mission au GEPOG.